
Defense News offers the commentaries and opinions from military and industry decision-makers that frame the global debate about defense policy, programs and strategy.

The Putin-Trump relationship: Nothing more than smoke and mirrors [Editorial]
In an Aug. 3 tweet, President Donald Trump had this to say: “Our relations with Russia are at a historic low, and very dangerous.” But is it? Or is it actually no different than it’s ever been, except that the current administration implied for a brief period of time we might see the relationship repaired?
Why, President Trump, you need the media [Commentary]
When there’s a clear effort to not cooperate with the media, it’s difficult to do our jobs. And I suppose that’s the point. But what I’d offer to the president is that closing the door on the press makes it awfully difficult to do your job as well.
Editorial: Priorities for DoD's New Team
Since being tapped to become US defense secretary, Ash Carter spent four months developing a strategy for his tenure and focusing on who would fill the nation's top military jobs.
Editorial: Integrate US-Japan Forces
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's visit to the United States last week was a success. He made Japan's case on security, trade and diplomacy, becoming the first Japanese leader ever to address a joint session of Congress. And in English, no less.
Editorial: Of Budgets and Odd Alliances
The unusual coalition of conservative Republican deficit hawks and liberal Democrats united to cut Pentagon spending is worrying defense supporters.
Editorial: Carter Charts New Cyber Path
US Defense Secretary Ash Carter's new cyber strategy and push to harness the power of Silicon Valley are key and welcome steps to improving the cyber security of the United States and its allies.
Editorial: Invest in Nuclear Capability
Over the past few years, Russia has increasingly been spouting nuclear rhetoric to scare America and Europe into getting its way. Vladimir Putin recently said he considered mobilizing his nuclear forces as he seized Ukrainian territory.
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