Explore the showroom floor at Spain’s FEINDEF security expo The defense conference FEINDEF took place in Madrid, Spain, from May 17-19 A UAV is seen on display at the FEIDEF fair in Madrid, Spain, on May 17, 2023. (Thomas Coex/AFP via Getty Images) An attendee of FEINDEF pilots a flight simulator on May 17, 2023. (Thomas Coex/AFP via Getty Images) A light armored tank offered by an Austrian and Spanish joint venture is displayed at FEIDEF on May 17, 2023. (Thomas Coex/AFP via Getty Images) The Neton Mk2 vehicle is manufactured by the Spanish company EINSA and marketed for special forces. (Thomas Coex/AFP via Getty Images) Different kinds of ammunition manufactured by the Spanish company FM Granada were on display at FEINDEF. (Thomas Coex/AFP via Getty Images) A visitor walks past a KEPD 350 weapon jointly manufactured by Swedish and German industry. (Thomas Coex/AFP via Getty Images) Military vehicles were on display at the FEINDEF conference in Madrid, Spain. (Thomas Coex/AFP via Getty Images) Turkish company Otokar showed off its Tulpar infantry fighting vehicle. (Thomas Coex/AFP via Getty Images)