WARSAW — The Lithuanian Armed Forces have awarded a contract to Germany's Daimler AG to acquire 340 Unimog trucks as part of its efforts to establish another infantry brigade in the country's land forces. The 5-ton trucks are to be procured by 2021, the Lithuanian Defense Ministry said in a statement.
"The requirement of vehicles and trucks in the Lithuanian Armed Forces has significantly increased with the establishment of another infantry brigade in the Lithuanian Land Force and as a result of the process of manning military units," the ministry said. "The amount of trucks in possession is not sufficient, moreover, a part of it is worn-out beyond repair. The new acquisition will both supplement the motor fleet and strengthen the capabilities of the Lithuanian Armed Forces."
The program is worth about €60 million (US $65.5 million), the statement said.
Meanwhile, the Czech Republic has signed another contract as part of government efforts to urgently purchase new weapons and modernize the country's military existing gear, local news agency CTK reported.
Last year, Czech Defense Minister Martin Stropnicky announced a number of procurements intended to increase the Czech armed forces' capabilities to secure the country's border against the inflow of migrants from the Middle East, and ensure the Czech military is prepared to participate in joint NATO activities.
The Czech ministry has inked a deal with local manufacturer Tatra Trucks to supply 18 N3G-V trucks. The contract is worth about 136.5 million krona (US $6 million), according to local news site Altair.com.pl.
Jaroslaw Adamowski is the Poland correspondent for Defense News.